Some visual notes (and Twitter and Medium irritations) …
If you’re wondering why there’s extra space around the headline in the above article, it’s to get this post to look good when it’s on Twitter and Facebook. Here’s what it now looks like on Twitter:
If I don’t have the extra space in the image making it rectangularish, Twitter crops it and the headline isn’t readable. Too bad. I had to do a fair amount of experimenting with the Twitter Card Validator till I got something I was happy with.
What I’d really like to do is have a different image used for Twitter than in the article on Medium. Wordpress allows you to do that, using Featured Images; but Medium doesn’t give you that flexibility — it just picks the first image in the article. In fact I really would have preferred to have the images in a different order in the Medium post, the way I did on the Wordpress, of this post but then it had the wrong image when I shared.
Still, it was worth the effort. Here’s how it looks on Facebook (where I used the Object Debugger to verify)